To get started you will need the following:
1. This rule book.

2. A checker or chess board, or a piece of paper with 64 squares.

3. Markers - 1 for each player. It can be anything you choose: a coin, a thimble, a piece of hard candy, an eraser, etc.

4. A score card for each player and 1 for fate, plus pencils and pens.

5. A pair of dice.

6. An imagination in good working order.

Choose a Fate Player Before the game begins, one player is chosen as 'Fate' - God, Karma, destiny, kismet, chance, mother nature, blind luck, opportunity knocking, etc. The fate player will act as, and represent all those forces that exist outside of our control and understanding.

Two Sets of Rules The rules are divided into 2 sets. The first set is rules for the Players. The second is guidelines for fate. Also included are some sample score sheets and charts to help explain the game.

Player's Rules

Please see players score sheet. First you must determine what inherited traits you are born with. See chart of 12 categories. These are general guidelines for what each of the 12 categories represent.

Roll two dice once for each of the 12 categories to determine the intensity of that trait. Low score = low intensity. High score = high intensity, or a trait of some significance. Mark this on your score card.

Scoring Rolls Note that rolls of 10-12 are a special situation. A roll of 2=2 points, 3=3 points, 4=4, 5=5, 6=6, 7=7, 8=8, 9=9 but 10=2 times the next roll of the dice. Roll of 11=5 times the next roll. Roll of 12=10 times the next roll.
Now roll 1 die a second time to determine if the trait is positive or negative: an odd number equals a positive trait; an even number equals a negative trait. Then add '+' for all positive traits and '-' for all negative traits to your scorecard.

Example in category one, Personality, Leadership, etc. The first roll of 2 die=9, somewhat high intensity. The 2nd roll of the 1 die = 3, an odd number = positive trait. So fate interprets these clues to suggest that this player with a 9+ has a high intensity, positive leadership ability. Write 9+ in the first category and repeat through the other 12.

Ten Point Bonus, Adjustment Each player is given a bonus of 10 points for just being born. This birthday gift will offset some of the negative rolls the player may have gotten. The player may add these points to any category in any way he chooses. Write in your adjusted scores in the 2nd vertical column on the score card.

Sex Determination Look at the category of inherited characteristics that has the largest number positive or negative. If it is in an odd number the player is male, if it is an even number, the player is female.

Clues to Behavior Now you have numerous clues to the likely behavior of each player in 12 different categories: the intensity, the nature - good or bad, male, female, etc. Fate determines a rough background scenario that fits these traits and will be your heritage. Example: Where you were born, level of financial security, religion, parents, etc. - all things that fit that person's inherited traits in the 12 categories. Keep notes on your past for future reference.

Birth The player with the largest number in category 1, whether positive or negative, will be the first born and he will start the game with the first move. The second highest number will roll next, etc.
Each player is born on a board square that corresponds with the category of his score card that has the largest number, whether positive or negative. Only fate will know which squares these are. So fate will place each marker on a specific square to be born.

First Roll Each roll represents 1 year in the life of that person - 1 experience per year, except for the early years that fly by: Roll 1 = age 1-7, roll 2= age 2-12, roll 3 = 13-16, roll 4 = 17-19 roll 5 = 20-21, roll 6 and every year after - one roll per year of life.
The player will continue to roll until his death, which has secretly bee determined by fate at the start of the game - though fate and posterity may continue to role for his funeral, legacy, etc.

Twelve Categories or Houses

1. Head. Self, I, personality, leadership, physical strength, energy. Pioneering ability, energy to do, firey, hands-on, straight forward. Army officer, warrior, carpenter, track star, armor car driver, butcher, boxer, barber construction worker, engineer, fireman, rapist, policeman, hunter, foundry worker, pyromaniac, fire eater, lumberjack, machinist, killer, jock, etc.

2. Throat and Neck Money, mine, possessions, security, sensual pleasure, stable, security, minded, slow to anger or change, banker, loan shark, florist, gardener, hockey player, candy maker, department store worker, dressmaker, singer, bank robber, botanist, economist, numismatist or collector of any kind, auctioneer, trucker, farmer, hired hand, maid, call girl, insurance salesman, masseur, broker, pottery maker, businessman.

3. Nerves, arms shoulders. Brothers, sisters, schooling, intelligence. Neighborhood languages and communications of any kind, writing, charm, reviewer, inventiveness, jack of all trades, genius, quick-witted in speech, brother, sister, twin, reporter, book salesman, mailman, ventriloquist, motorcyclist, printer, publisher, quack, student, entertainer, counterfeiter, announcer, cab driver, linguist, paperboy, journalist, phone operator, chauffer, swindler, punster, wit, comedian, typist.

4. Breasts, stomach, alimentary canal Home, family life, mother, food, infants. Emotional, cooking, kitchen, food and drink, mother, housewife, home decorator, cook, chef, ranch owner, winemaker, baker, dockworker, janitor, laundryman, baby sitter, waiter, looney, stripper, watchman, real estate agent, hermit, grocer, dairy farmer, epicurean.

5. Heart, spine and back Love, children, sports, gambling, artistic skill. Kingliness, grandness, drama, flair, fun, leader, school teacher, child psychologist, president, king or queen, royalty, star, lion tamer, cartoonist, biologist, chess maser, card player, beach bum, politician, actor or director, bookie, golfer, toy maker, sportsman, den mother, dramatist, playboy, ski instructor.

6. Intestines and nervous system Health, work, pets. Organizing ability, hypochondriacs, fussy, laborer, doctor, nurse, maid, non-fiction writer, factory worker, union leader, accountant, analyst, poll taker, architect, bee keeper, clerk, secretary, courtier, organizer, servant, healer, researcher, shepherd, body builder, psychologist, health nut, Red Cross worker, herbalist, nutritionist, flight attendant, computer operator, critic

7. Kidneys Partnerships, marriage, business partners, enemies. Just, able to see all sides, peacemakers, judges, charmers, love to do things in pairs, husband and wife, partner, judge, marriage counselor, dancer, baseball player referee, high wire performer, hair dresser, hotel owner, cosmetician, matchmaker, orchestra leader, lawyer, caterer, social leader, social climber, jeweler, craftsman, bookstore owner, reader, model, arbitrator, librarian.

8. Sexual Organs Sex, death, rejuvenating powers, legacies. Powerful, erotic, ability to restart and rebuild. Detective, porn star, president, sex researcher, chemist, plumber, miner, undertaker, bootlegger, fanatic, pervert, gang leader, pirate, sewer worker, prostitute, vampire, mobster, billionaire, ambulance driver, surgeon, hypnotist, magician, mercenary, heir, broker, Svengali

9. Liver, hops and thighs Joy. Travel, fun, organized religion, spiritual experiences, philosophy, higher education, wise, loves the road, travels in reality or book adventures, pleasure and abundance.

10. Knees, bones and teeth Father, duty prestige, achievement, career advancement, rewards for achievement, Karma, hard luck, just rewards, status, patience, respite for elders, faithfulness, slow to change, conservative, boss, business executive, manager, antique dealer, mountain climber, brick layer, gem dealer, misanthrope, watch repairman, economist, map maker, old folks home, famous, prospector, politician, geologist, scientist

11. Circulation, shins and ankles Freedom, friendships, clubs, organizations, anything for the fellowship of others, quirky, loves to shock, weird, for the masses, innovative, eureka finder, cruise director, inventor, genius, astrologer, abortion doctor, bicycle repairman, bomber, electrician, haiku writer, circus freak, humanitarian, hobo, computer geek, liberal, astronomer, zookeeper, astronaut, weirdo, physicist, rock star, promoter, agent TV repairman, terrorist, organization leader

12. Feet Charity, intuition, religion, ESP, higher truths, escapism, drinking and drugs, fantasy, self undoing, self confinement, prison, hospital ability to sympathize, small animals, soft hearted, easily swayed, chameleon-like, lives in another world, intuitive, veterinarian, shoemaker, life guard, spy, cameraman, prisoner, patient in an asylum, forger, sailor, addict, bum, poet, mythology expert, yacht racer, alcoholic, zealot, retarded person, petroleum worker, swimmer, saint, biologist, bartender, photographer, fortune teller, gypsy, consumer advocate, environmentalist, hermit, run home or wayward girls, warden, nightclub entertainer, camp counselor, composer, seer.

Note: Fate rolls for each player once in every 3 moves. In real life we seem to have control of only 2/3 of our lives. Fate may choose which of the 3 moves he will control. If the first move Fate determines the move. If the first move is the players, read on:

Roll One Die for the First Move. You may move in any direction in any way. The number of squares corresponding to the number of the die. These roll moves are very flexible. For instance, should a player have the occupation of a pilot, he may travel over the board cover double the roll. Or if he is psychic, he may move across the board through astral projection instead of rolling the die. Or if the player is a prisoner, or an invalid, he may not be able to move at all. Again, creativity in interpreting the roll clues is a must.

Upon Landing on a Square The player will be told by fate one of the following: 1. He has landed on one of the 12 categories; 2. He has landed on a fate square. Fate will explain; 3. He has died.
The first of 3, landing on one of the 12 categories, requires the most explanation so hang in there. After landing, the player is told by fate what category he has landed on. The player then rolls the die of the intensity and the nature of the experience that he will have. He does this in the same way as he did for inherited characteristics. Fate determines a scenario for the experience and then the point total is added to or subtracted from his score card in the following manner.

Scoring the Experience At least half of the total points rolled on the dice must be added to, or subtracted from., the category landed on. The other points may be added to, or subtracted from, any category that would be connected with that experience. Example: a married player aged 32 has a bad experience with his home, category 4 - fate says his roof leaks and because he rolled an 8-, a high intensity negative number, the entire roof must be redone. This will also hurt category 2, money , and category, 5 kids, who are now homeless for a weekend. Score accordingly in all three categories.

Further Scoring If the player lands on a category that has a positive score on his score card, add 5 points. If negative, then minus 5 points; from the age of 22 to 35. 36 and beyond add or subtract 10 points on each roll. This adds a way of challenging luck with skill, and using your strong points to work for you. Obviously knowledge of what category you're landing on is helpful to your score. This is determined through trial and error (your movies and the recording of them) and observation of the moves of others. If you land on a category whose score on your score card is '0', loose your turn - you are currently invisible.

Get a job Sometime after age 19 (if you don't go to college, or get drafted, or marry money) you've got to use at least one roll to get a job. Land on the category that includes the job you want and roll to see how your application for employment turns out.
Do the same when getting married, category 7; having a child, 5:buing a home, 4; making a will telling who would inherit your points, 8; taking a long trip, 9; etc.

Keywords To further expand the clues given for each move/scenario, the player will add a keyword to each experience after the age of fifty (or whenever Fate decides). These clue words can be chosen at random from dictionaries, novels, atlases, thesauruses, newspapers, magazines, any source. Simply close your eyes, turn to a page and point at random to a key word. Then record it on the score sheet. This keyword will add another clue to each years experience. If Fate's turn, he chooses a keyword at random.

Other Players The player has the option, as does Fate, of giving his roll to another player real or imaginary. If a real person, one that is actually in the game, then that second player takes the roll and in the experience that occurs incorporates the first player, the player he is rolling for. Then they both add or subtract points, depending on their point of view. If an imaginary player, one that is a part of the creative conjuring, then that imaginary character rolls for the player. This imaginary player may be anyone, a relative, friend, bookie, minister, child, complete stranger, Sigmund Freud, the police, etc. Fate acts the part of the imaginary player and rolls accordingly. Then the first player scores the experience on his score sheet. Remember the player asked to roll for another has the option of declining the roll. If he does, the first player looses his roll. Also note that fate will take into consideration what has gone before. For instance, if a player has a low score in category 9, religion, and then he prays to God to roll for him, the prayer would not be considered sincere. If he appeals to his wife, 7, and he has a low point total there, then he will not only not receive help but he may get into more trouble - a divorce, custody fight, etc. Also a player may commit another player to an institution, prison, hospital, etc. for his health and well being or the health and well being of the other players. But it may or may not work out well. In all cases, roll and score accordingly.

Landing on a Square Occupied by Other Players If a player lands on a square that has other players, then each of the other players gets an extra roll to see how they are involved in the landing players scenario. Symbiosis? Competition? Fate and the roll decide.

Other Options A player may before his roll, call an adjustment or retrograde roll. He is then given a chance to rearrange his points from one category to another and build up weak houses from the excess of strong houses. He may alternate up to 15 points from one category to another. If he chooses an adjustment roll, he must forfeit his normal roll. After the adjustment, Fate may ask the player to roll to see how the experience turned out. And score before the age of 30 (retrospection comes with age). The totals of all the categories must be the same although the totals of the individual categories may have shifted.

A Score of +150 or More If a player reaches a positive score of 150 or more in any single category, he gains immortality as a genius in that category. In scoring, any points gathered above 150 in that genius category, can now be shifted to any category the player chooses. Also, no matter the player's roll of dice is in that category, it can never again drop below 150. He has achieved immortality. But, if the player chooses to adjust points away from that category and in so doing lowers his score below 150, he becomes ordinary again in that category, and his immortality must rewon. How the mighty fall.

A Score of -150 or Less If a player reaches a low point of-150 or less in any category, that category is his undoing, his downfall, his nemesis, and his death. Again this is not a rigid rule. Friends may donate points from their corresponding categories to save his life, a bank may loan him points with interest, a player may plead for divine grace, or fate may intervene if he feels the death would be premature. If no help is forthcoming, the player dies, and his turns are terminated.

Anni Mirabiles (Wonderful Years) Fate will choose three years in the lives of each player that will be extra intense years of experience. The player will multiply any scores for that year by 2 or 3 or 5. Fate will secretly place these randomly chosen years on his score sheet. If another players involved during one of these years (Fate withholds the information until the experience is over) his points are multiplied also. If a player chooses to adjust points during this wonder year, he may now adjust up to 2, 3 or 5 times the 15 points he usually is allowed to transfer. If the player lands on a fate square, that total is multiplied by 2,3 or 5.

Changing the Rules The Players may interpret, add to, or change any rules they wish IF they all agree to the changes before the game begins.

Fate's Guidelines

As the Fate player, your job will be to instruct, supervise, and lead the players into experiences where they will continue to grow and mature. You must keep in mind how each player would influence other players by their behavior, i.e., the bigger picture and the greater good. Your code of behavior is as follows: At your best, you are benevolent beyond understanding, at your worst you deliver what is deserved according to the laws of Mother Nature and karma, or you deliver woe that reason why, only Fate knows.

Fate's Equipment 1. A Fate sheet of possibilities, and pen and paper.

Lifespan of Each Player Before the game begins, Fate determines the lifespan of each player in he following manner. He rolls the dice as described in the player's rules and then adds, if the number is positive, or subtracts, if the number is negative, this number from the age pf 65. For example, if the role is 12 and its +, then the player will live 65 + 12 = 77. Note it is possible to roll a number greater than 65. If that happens fate will decide the lifespan of that player in any way he chooses. This lifespan number is devised in secret and should not (like all the information on fates sheet of possibilities) be told to the players until necessary. After the lifespan of each player is found, mark it on the fate sheet in the appropriate blanks.

Instructions for Setting Up Fate Squares on Fate's Sheet of Possibilities The fate player will notice that his fate sheet of possibilities, corresponds square by square to the game board. Squares are identified by a number and a letter. For instance the first square is A-1. It is fate's job to set up possibilities of experience in each square of the game board which include:
Category Numbers In the middle of each square, fate should place one of the 12 category numbers. They should be equally divided among the 64 squares. That is, 5 each category plus 4 extra squares that may be used as fate squares, or whatever. Fate may decide on his own system of chance, and instigate it in these squares.

Fate Squares In order to add another dimension to the game, fate may decide that certain squares be chosen as fate squares during certain specified landings on that square. Fate squares override category squares. Write Musea if you wish to buy a list of 100 fate scenarios - example #34 - They've find a fountain of youth…well almost. You gain two years anyway. Subtract two years from your age.
Fate marks the fate squares on his fate sheet of possibilities like these examples 2-99#, 10-#46, etc. What this means is: on the 2nd landing on this square of any player, disregard the category listed and instead, read and follow the scenario given in Fate Square #99, and on the 10th landing on this square of any player, read and follow Fate square #46, etc/ A good fate player will have many fate square scenarios ready.

Anni Mirabilie Wonderful years. Fate will decree 3 special years in each players life when the points of that roll will be doubled, tripled or quintupled. Fate should choose these years as he pleases and mark them in the proper blanks on his sheet of possibilities.

Fate Helps Start the Game Fate helps get the game going by helping to set up inherited characteristics for each player, determining which player rolls first, placing players on the game board, and deciding which roll in every 3 fate will control. Note Fate has control of the roll he may, with his extra knowledge of the squares, move the player into any category or Fate square that the role allows, or he may or give the Fate roll to any other player real or imagined, or deny the roll altogether to teach patience. After each experience/roll have the player note what happened for future reference and make sure he scores the appropriate points on his score card.

Reminders Be sure to remember that fate's first responsibility is the creative interpretation of the clues given by the game board in each new scenario. Though the players may suggest ideas, it is up to Fate player to finally adopt one, and in the end his word is the final one. Also remind the players of the following: 1. After 19 get a job; 2. That +150 immortalizes while -150 self destructs; 3. That there are 3 anni mirabilies; 4. that if the player gets into a safe rut of the same experiences, Fate will forcibly change his direction; 5. That a key word is added to each turn after the age of 40; 6. There may be fate squares lurking; 7. That following the golden rule is always a good idea.

In Closing Don't forget that these are only guidelines. You may expand the game as you wish. For instance, you may want to separate the game board into rich and poor sections, or east and west, etc. Or you might want to replace the game board with any map with assorted squares or landing sites on it. Or you might want to have a war going on during a players life time or have the game set in a certain period of history, or even on an alien planet with a totally different culture, or you may limit all of the players to a special category - example: All politicians, or all artists, or all scientists, etc. It's up to you. Have fun!

For Sample Board Layouts: click here.

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