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Hi Musea readers! Welcome! 

This issue is on my physics ideas as of July, 2024.


This starts with a brief paragraph about the State of Physics Today. Next comes a Summary of my Main Ideas; followed by a List of all my Physics Videos. 



I am aware of the current textbook physics, and challenge it. We 'll see who's right in time. But I do notice that for the most part physics has been at a standstill for decades, string theory hasn't been the breakthrough, the standard model has band aids all over it, the forces can't connect up with gravity, or even the so called strong force, and CERN with all its capability hasn't found much. Finally we have 95% of the universe that is dark.

Hard to say that's all working as is!



Here are the key components of all my physics posts:

Photons are eternal and outside of time and distance.

The singularity of photons began the Big Bang.

Photons created mass through pair conversion of electron positron pairs in the Big Bang.

These electrons and positrons made the elementary particles which in turn made the atoms.

Protons, for the most part could only be created in the immediate era after the Big Bang.

Neutrons may be unstable protons.

The proton neutron bond in the nucleus, kept neutrons from decay and was key to building all elements.

Neutrons and hydrogen atoms may be the same thing, but with different electron placements.

The key to atoms stability may be the deuterium nucleus or deuteron that help binds one proton to one neutron.

The missing anti matter is in protons and neutrons.

Photons, electrons, and positrons, may be different versions of the same thing. 

Charge may be two of the same wave in either constructive or destructive interference. There is not positive and negative charge, but one charge with two wave patterns that act like two charges. 

Virtual particles may be a key part of quantum leaps. 

Virtual particles may power beta plus decay. 

Neutrinos may be a type of tiny photons: massless bosons that go the speed of light. 

The mass of the universe comes from photons converting to electron positron pairs in pair conversion. The energy of the universe comes from electrons and positrons annihilating and converting to photons.

The universe is 5% charged matter and 95% neutral force.

Dark matter is not gravity from invisible baryons pulling, but antigravity pushing from empty space.

Dark matter and Dark Energy are both anti gravity pushing from empty space. The cosmological redshift supports this.

The force from the Big Bang singularity was photons / dark energy / dark matter /anti gravity . They are the same.

The force caused by acceleration is anti gravity, not gravity.

Galileo and Newton's discoveries work for either gravity or antigravity.

95% of the universe seems to be without charge, detectable matter, or gravity: dark energy plus dark matter.

Time has speed limits up to the speed of light.

The universe is open ended and will continue to expand.

There may be two universes. This one and one of photons.



These videos on my physics ideas were made over the last two years, 2022 to 2024. During that time I learned important information, got helpful feedback from others, and changed or adjusted many, if not most, of my first ideas. Therefore I contend that the later ones are more accurate, detailed, and hopefully more correct. With that consideration, here's a list.

(They also contain a few other science videos and shorts.)


List of Physics Videos


Y Issue, 6 parts.

UV and its Role in the OOL (bio)

Gravity = Acceleration

Galileo and Antigravity

Photons and Electron - Positron Pairs, Same Thing

The Particle Train

Musea's Essay on Education (ed)

The Energy of the Universe

Summary of My Physics Posts

My Model for First Events

Photons are Outside of Time

Diagram of Proton and Neutron

Space is Curved

Boys With Toys (short editorial)

Time Has Speed Limits (short)

Two Paths in Evolution (bio short)

Origin of Life a Major Clue (bio short)

Education Reforms (ed short)

Where is the Charge of an Electron?

Summary of Physics Posts (short)

Convergent Evolution and Aliens (short)

Two Electrons and Destructive Interference (short)

People Power (energy short)

Could Neutrons be Hydrogen Atoms

Neutrons are an Unstable form of Protons.

Deuterium, Key to Atomic Structure

Dark energy and Matter

The Universe as 5% Charged

The Growing Case for Antigravity

Can Light Create Space Time


Proton, a Second Look

Connection between Gravity ...

Dark Energy and Dark Matter ...

Casimir Effect and Dark energy

The Water Analogy and Gravity

Dust in the Wind, a Second Look.

Curvature of Space and Antigravity

Transformation from Space to ...

Quantum Leap and Virtual Particles

Where is the Missing Antimatter

Charges of My Model of a ...

Beta Decay and My Model

Neutron and Hydrogen Atom

Deuterium and Helium ...

Virtual Particle Energy

Neutrinos May be Little Photons

Photon Universes

Speed of Light in Two Universes

Three Ways Photons React to ...

Charge, Maybe Just One.

Gamma Ray Limit.

Neutrinos, Mass? Charge?

The Third Quark Does What??

My Model of the Big Bang




Please note that all these physics videos connect up into one single cohesive physics hypothesis.


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