
Freedom of the Press

A member of the Cuban government
Calls for a truly independent world court
(Not controlled by the United States).
An "independent" journalist, printed
In Miami, courtesy of the CIA,
Says that the government official has
"His morality in his underwear."
The government official
Sues the journalist for the insult.
The journalist leads a protest in the street.
A counter protest yells down
Supporters of the journalist.
The police side with the pro-government group.
The world capitalist media side
With the journalist and his supporters.
Which side has more truth, more taste?

Cuba is a protest
Against a planet without justice,
Without free speech, with a rigged media
Lacking any sense of taste or decency
(Consider 0J, Flight 800, Monica,
Dr. Death...).

And where are the serious writers?

Separation of Church and State
The Supreme Court refused to consider
The unconstitutionality
Of state funding of religious schools.

-- Zagreus Nebula

Hope is the thing with feathers
The down pillow is the thing with feathers.
The duster is the thing with feathers.
The Indian war bonnet is the thing with feathers.
The Holy Ghost is the thing with feathers.
The thing without feathers is a plucked chicken
Roasting on a spit over the fires of hell.
Abandon all hope who enter there.
The play's the thing in tights and a codpiece.

-- Zagreus Nebula

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